Thursday, December 15, 2011

Casey Anthony wants $750,000 for first interview

Updated: Thursday, 15 Dec 2011, 8:15 AM EST

Published : Thursday, 15 Dec 2011, 8:15 AM EST
(FOX 25 / - Casey Anthony wants up to $750,000 to deny killing her daughter on TV.
The New York Daily News reports a Los Angeles-based producer has been shopping around the first interview with Anthony since her acquittal in the slaying of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.
Scott Sternberg Productions is asking between $500,000 and $750,000 and is insisting it co-produce the talk show.
The 22-year-old Florida mom was accused of killing her daughter in 2008 by administering chloroform, gagging her with duct tape and burying her remains in a shallow grave.
Read more: New York Daily News

1 comment:

  1. You have to be kidding me. This woman makes one dime off the death of her child, the press outlet that interviews her should be required to make that payment to a shelter for abused children. She should stay in hiding nobody is interested in her story.
