Saturday, December 3, 2011
Attention Wal-Mart Shopper's
I was at WalMart buying a bag of Purina dog chow for my dog , in the check-out line when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog. Why else would I be buying dog chow, RIGHT ??? So on impulse I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, I was starting the Purina Diet again, and that I probably shouldn't, because I ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in inten..................sive care, with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a Perfect Diet and all you do is load your pockets with Purina Nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in line was now enthralled with my story.) Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care, because the dog food poisoned me. I told her no, I stepped off a curb to sniff a poodle's butt and a car hit me. I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard. Better watch what you ask me and be prepared for my answer. I have all the time in the world to think of crazy things to say........................ now that you've read it I have to confess, I copied it from someone else.. share and make someone else smile today :)
PJ's the new casual dress?
Last night I was walking into the local CVS and passed not one but two women dressed like they were leaving a sleep lab. And to make matters worse they were flannel baggies with kiddie cartoon character's all over them.
So today I am driving my daughter to the dentist and on one street there is a woman mowing her lawn in pink flannel pajamas with snowmen all over them. I turn the corner and on the next street there's a woman playing with her inflatable Christmas ornaments on the front lawn in her flannels. Have pajama's become the new sweat pants? Did these people just wake up, or are they going to bed soon? Maybe they suffer from sleep apnea and fall asleep frequently. Dammit people put something decent on. If I wanted to see Doris Day in her PJ's I would watch the "Pajama Game"!
I can understand if it is the middle of the night and someone has a craving for ice cream, and just throws on some pajamas to go to Walmart or something. Or, if someone has a medical emergency, and these clothes were the closest things that they had to throw on after getting out of bed, (if they don't sleep in pajamas that is). But in the middle of the day, in public? This is just extremely lazy dressing, and that is exactly what people think of them when they are out and about outside. Is it so hard to just go the extra mile and throw on a pair of pants and a top?
I know many people leave the gym in sweats or yoga pants and quickly run a few errands before going home to shower and change. We all get that. Chiseling time to workout and capitalizing on the 24hourse we all have makes wearing workout clothes acceptable when pressed for time. But let’s make this perfectly clear…sweats and yoga attire are not pajamas. Yes, we may sleep in our sweats but rolling out of bed and wearing what you slept in out in public is not an approved etiquette-friendly decision.
It’s the public areas, where you are walking around in something others changed out of because they slept in them, that you are compromising your image and their comfort. If you are going to get out of bed and change into clean, unslept in pajamas, that may be more hygienic. But unless you wear a sign that says “These are clean, the slept in ones I changed out of”, people are still going to question your motivation for wearing something that’s supposed to be worn in bed.
I like to sleep in the buff, but you don't see me out and about wearing that now do ya? Just saying!
Well,I think I will get into my "pajama's" and call it a day my eyes are sore.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Bobby Valentine News Conference: Valentine Introduced as New Red Sox Manager
5:47 p.m.: "I would hopefully have learned from mistakes [in the past]," Valentine said when asked about the tumultuous end to his tenure with the Mets and with GM Steve Philips.
45th Club Manager
5:50 p.m.: Valentine has made it clear throughout the process that he would love to have this job, and he's sticking with that now.
Valentine says that he's going to exhaust his resources to find out as much information as he can before he gets going.
5:47 p.m.: "I would hopefully have learned from mistakes [in the past]," Valentine said when asked about the tumultuous end to his tenure with the Mets and with GM Steve Philips.
5:41 p.m.: Valentine says he's looking forward to speaking with the players after being asked about his on-air criticisms of some players when he was working for ESPN.
5:39 p.m.: Valentine seems pretty eager to separate himself from the late-season collapse in 2011. Not much surprise there. He's ready to move on from that by the sounds of it.
Valentine was on the verge of tears as he wrapped up his opening remarks.
5:36 p.m.: "I'm honored, I'm humbled and I'm pretty damn excited," Valentine says.
"I understand. I understand how difficult this was for the organization because of the outstanding candidates. I understand the rich tradition of baseball in this city ... I understand the rivalries this team has. I understand the great talent that has been assembled."
5:34 p.m.: "I really look forward to working with him," Cherington says before congratulating the new skipper and presenting him with his Red Sox jersey.
Complete Dialog: CLICK HERE
Chia Obama?
Just when I thought I had seen it all!
How come they didn't do this for "BUSH"?
I think we all know the answer to that.......
These big "kids" playing a game and earning a living have some nerve. With unemployment at record high levels and plenty of people looking for "work," I would be willing to bet there are a lot of qualified people out there that would be willing to play at a fraction of the cost.
Let's face it, sports is big money and will always be in demand but the increasing costs for players is reflected in ticket prices. These ticket prices are making it cost prohibitive for young families with lots of future fans, their kids, from going to enjoy them together.
When will we learn to start realizing that we as a society are being pushed further and further into two classes. Low income and the upper class, the days of middle class have long since passed. Time for us to wake up and roll things back or we the people will only be enjoying these sports through the eyes of the camera in our living rooms.
The next lock out should be the time we take out the trash and start fresh!
Win win, owners can bring in fresh talent, increase profit margins, and lower ticket prices so more fans enjoy live entertainment with the family! Problem solved.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Help us Treat Muscular Dystrophy!!
Help us Treat Muscular Dystrophy!! Click here for more details ===> LifeinMoeschen
Help us Treat Muscular Dystrophy!!
Neil and Jerry run again! It's amazing that these guys never stop. Neil has retired, but since I secretly think his wife just wants him out of the house....he runs. The man is like Forrest Gump, only not as cool.
And Jerry is there to keep him company!
As always, all donations go to fight MD with ParentProject!
Thanks for your continuing support!!
Check out this video I made for a conference in Geneva:
And Jerry is there to keep him company!
As always, all donations go to fight MD with ParentProject!
Thanks for your continuing support!!
Check out this video I made for a conference in Geneva:
Now that Paula Abdul has lost all of her groups, many are wondering what the heck she up to! With no finalists to mentor, shape, advise, and take under her supportive little wings, what will be her role on THE X FACTOR for the remainder of the season? ......................
NH House Rejects Lynch Education Amendment
"Democrats Say Republicans Didn't Give Proposal Proper Hearing"
CONCORD, N.H. -- Showing again the difficulty in finding compromise on school funding, the House on Wednesday rejected Gov. John Lynch's proposed constitutional change to give lawmakers more control over school aid and moved the fight to the Senate.
The House voted 264-114 against adopting Lynch's proposal and later killed it. Republican House Speaker William O'Brien scheduled the vote Wednesday rather than consider the proposal when the House reconvenes in January. A House-passed amendment awaits a vote in the Senate.
Democrats said that didn't give the public enough time to digest the idea and fought against voting on the proposal. They also called the vote a political stunt, since it was held the week after Thanksgiving.
"Amending our constitution is serious work, and I would have expected this amendment to go through the normal hearing process, with an opportunity for careful review and public input. Unfortunately, this was not the case," Lynch said after the vote.
He said he is willing to work with "anyone who shares the goal of passing an amendment that strengthens education in New Hampshire."
The House and Senate had each passed proposed amendments, but until Wednesday's House vote, each had postponed final votes on the other chamber's measure. In killing Lynch's amendment, the House also killed the Senate's proposal.
Both legislative proposals would give more control to lawmakers than Lynch proposed doing. The House amendment, authored by O'Brien, would give the state full discretion to decide how much, if anything, to pay for aid. The Senate will vote on it next year and could amend it to include Lynch's proposal, its proposal that the House killed or something new.
"The Senate continues to search for a solution to this long-standing problem concerning education funding. We hope the House remains committed to a compromise that will get enough votes to pass both houses and ultimately be approved by the voters in November," Senate President Peter Bragdon said in a statement.
House Republican Leader D.J. Bettencourt of Salem argued the vote was to get a sense of the where the House stood on the amendment so Republican House and Senate leaders could continue negotiating with the Democratic governor.
But state Rep. Gary Richardson, D-Hopkinton, didn't buy it and countered that the House action was "for purely political reasons."
Some supported Lynch's proposal as a good compromise. Others said Lynch's proposal would give the courts too much say.
State Rep. Gregory Sorg, R-Easton, said the amendment would do little to change things.
Lynch's amendment stated that the Legislature shall have the authority and responsibility to define reasonable school education standards, hold them accountable for meeting the standards and mitigate local disparities in their financial ability to provide an adequate education. It also would give lawmakers full discretion to determine aid amounts and its distribution.
The House and Senate passed different proposed amendments. Both legislative measures would give more control to lawmakers than Lynch proposed doing. The House amendment, authored by O'Brien, would give the state full discretion to decide how much, if anything to pay for aid.
Lynch's amendment was expected to fail, but the vote shows the difficulty lawmakers have had in changing the constitution since the state Supreme Court issued its landmark school funding rulings.
Republicans don't need Lynch to pass an amendment. They have a 294-104 margin over Democrats in the House, where they need 239 votes for passage, and a 19-5 edge in the Senate, where 15 votes are necessary. But O'Brien and Bragdon believe they need the popular Democrat's support to win voter approval at the ballot box.
If an amendment is placed on the ballot, two-thirds of voters would need to pass it for the change to take effect.
The state Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling in 1997 requiring New Hampshire to provide all public school children with an adequate education. After that ruling, the state began providing a base amount per pupil to all communities, funded by state taxes and a new state property tax.
New Hampshire lawmakers have tried and failed dozens of times over the years to nullify the ruling.
The Supreme Court's rulings require the state to pay the full cost of an adequate education, which means every community gets some aid. The rulings do not prohibit the state from sending additional aid to communities, but Lynch and other critics say the state has little extra money to spare after complying with the court mandate to pay for adequacy.
Lynch said his amendment would allow the state to target more aid while maintaining court review if the state fails to reasonably meet its responsibilities.
Read more:
"Democrats Say Republicans Didn't Give Proposal Proper Hearing"
CONCORD, N.H. -- Showing again the difficulty in finding compromise on school funding, the House on Wednesday rejected Gov. John Lynch's proposed constitutional change to give lawmakers more control over school aid and moved the fight to the Senate.
The House voted 264-114 against adopting Lynch's proposal and later killed it. Republican House Speaker William O'Brien scheduled the vote Wednesday rather than consider the proposal when the House reconvenes in January. A House-passed amendment awaits a vote in the Senate.
Democrats said that didn't give the public enough time to digest the idea and fought against voting on the proposal. They also called the vote a political stunt, since it was held the week after Thanksgiving.
He said he is willing to work with "anyone who shares the goal of passing an amendment that strengthens education in New Hampshire."
The House and Senate had each passed proposed amendments, but until Wednesday's House vote, each had postponed final votes on the other chamber's measure. In killing Lynch's amendment, the House also killed the Senate's proposal.
Both legislative proposals would give more control to lawmakers than Lynch proposed doing. The House amendment, authored by O'Brien, would give the state full discretion to decide how much, if anything, to pay for aid. The Senate will vote on it next year and could amend it to include Lynch's proposal, its proposal that the House killed or something new.
"The Senate continues to search for a solution to this long-standing problem concerning education funding. We hope the House remains committed to a compromise that will get enough votes to pass both houses and ultimately be approved by the voters in November," Senate President Peter Bragdon said in a statement.
House Republican Leader D.J. Bettencourt of Salem argued the vote was to get a sense of the where the House stood on the amendment so Republican House and Senate leaders could continue negotiating with the Democratic governor.
But state Rep. Gary Richardson, D-Hopkinton, didn't buy it and countered that the House action was "for purely political reasons."
Some supported Lynch's proposal as a good compromise. Others said Lynch's proposal would give the courts too much say.
State Rep. Gregory Sorg, R-Easton, said the amendment would do little to change things.
The House and Senate passed different proposed amendments. Both legislative measures would give more control to lawmakers than Lynch proposed doing. The House amendment, authored by O'Brien, would give the state full discretion to decide how much, if anything to pay for aid.
If an amendment is placed on the ballot, two-thirds of voters would need to pass it for the change to take effect.
The state Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling in 1997 requiring New Hampshire to provide all public school children with an adequate education. After that ruling, the state began providing a base amount per pupil to all communities, funded by state taxes and a new state property tax.
Lynch said his amendment would allow the state to target more aid while maintaining court review if the state fails to reasonably meet its responsibilities.
Read more:
Provide Full, Permanent and Dedicated Funding for The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)
Provide Full, Permanent and Dedicated Funding for The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)
The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) is America's most important conservation tool, investing offshore drilling revenues-NOT taxpayer dollars-to acquire lands within our national parks, forests, refuges, trails, and other federal lands while also supporting hunting and fishing access, working lands easements, and expansion and development of state and local parks. The outdoor recreation, conservation and historic preservation economy supports 9.4 million jobs each year-1 out of every 15 jobs in the U.S.
As individuals concerned with conserving America's natural heritage, we thank the Administration for including full funding of LWCF in their FY12 Budget. We now call on the Obama Administration to support full, permanent AND dedicated annual funding for LWCF at $900 million.
Created: Nov 16, 2011
Dave P
Salem, NH
November 30, 2011
Signature # 818
November 30, 2011
Signature # 818
Earthquake, Wilmington MA
WED NOV/29/2011
According to MEMA, a .8M earthquake happened North North-East of Wilmington this morning. Nothing on the USGS website.
Weston Observatory seismographs recorded a magnitude 0.8 earthquake in Wilmington MA.
It occurred at 1:07 am and there are currently no reports of shaking.
Below is the seismogram of the WES seismic station located in Weston Ma.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Wisdom Teeth
One day, a man walks into a dentist’s office and asks how much it will cost to extract wisdom teeth.
“Eight hundred dollars,” the dentist says.
“That’s a ridiculous amount,” the man says. “Isn’t there a cheaper way?”
“Well,” the dentist says, “if you don’t use an anesthetic, I can knock the price down to $600.”
“That’s still too expensive,” the man says.
“Okay,” says the dentist. “If I save on anesthesia and simply rip the teeth out with a pair of pliers, I can knock the price down to $200.”
“Nope,” moans the man, “it’s still too much.”
“Well,” says the dentist, scratching his head, “if I let one of my students do it, I suppose I can knock the price down to $50.”
“Marvelous,” says the man, “book my ex-wife for next Tuesday!”
“Eight hundred dollars,” the dentist says.
“That’s a ridiculous amount,” the man says. “Isn’t there a cheaper way?”
“Well,” the dentist says, “if you don’t use an anesthetic, I can knock the price down to $600.”
“That’s still too expensive,” the man says.
“Okay,” says the dentist. “If I save on anesthesia and simply rip the teeth out with a pair of pliers, I can knock the price down to $200.”
“Nope,” moans the man, “it’s still too much.”
“Well,” says the dentist, scratching his head, “if I let one of my students do it, I suppose I can knock the price down to $50.”
“Marvelous,” says the man, “book my ex-wife for next Tuesday!”
Bobby Valentine to be next Red Sox manager Red Sox will hire Bobby Valentine to be next manager.
Valentine was offered the job Tuesday and accepted it. Valentine, who appeared at a charity event in Japan on Monday, is scheduled to fly back home at midnight ET Wednesday.
Valentine was offered the job Tuesday and accepted it. Valentine, who appeared at a charity event in Japan on Monday, is scheduled to fly back home at midnight ET Wednesday.
Monday, November 28, 2011
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