Tuesday, May 8, 2012

National Park Action: Sportsmen’s Heritage Act

NPCA - Park Action
Take Action
(Click the "Take Action" link after your legislator's name in the vote center to send your message.)
Dear Reader,

On Tuesday, April 17, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act which, as drafted, could allow much of the National Park System to be opened to hunting and recreational shooting. Your representative voted to not exempt national parks from this harmful legislation. Take a moment to let your representative know you are disappointed with their vote to not protect national parks! Click the "Take Action" link after your legislator's name in the vote center to send your message.

The bill included language that purports to exclude national parks and national monuments from hunting and recreational shooting, but is so poorly drafted that it could result in hunting being permitted in national parks like Yellowstone and the Great Smoky Mountains. In addition, it ignores the many national park unit designations that also do not allow hunting, such as national historical parks, national military parks, national memorials, etc. The House had the opportunity to exempt units of the National Park System from the bill by voting in support of a technical clarifying amendment offered by Representative Rush Holt (NJ-12). Sadly, Mr. Holt’s amendment was rejected.

The bill has now moved on to the Senate where NPCA is working to get this harmful language removed and ensure a genuine exclusion for the National Park System that does not change current law.
Take Action: Please tell your representative you are disappointed to learn that they voted against Rep. Holt’s amendment on the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act which would have exempted the National Park System from the bill.

It's important to let our elected officials know when they don't do the right thing for our national parks. Thank you for taking a moment to express your disappointment in your representative. Perhaps next time they will do better by voting to protect national parks.


Elise Russell Liguori
Legislative Representative 
E-mail us at TakeAction@npca.org, write to us at 777 6th Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20001, or call us at 800.NAT.PARK (800.628.7275).
Can't see this message? View it on the NPCA Website.

NPCA | 777 6th Street, NW | Suite 700 | Washington, DC 20001 | 800.NAT.PARK | npca@npca.org

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