Friday, July 20, 2012

Exercise helps improve balance, prevent falls | exercise, balance, seniors

Exercise helps improve balance, prevent falls | exercise, balance, seniors - Getting Fit - Victorville Daily Press

Exercise is the single most important component in maintaining healthy balance and preventing falls. In fact, exercise is so effective in not only reducing fall risk but also eliminating many types of chronic dizziness. The main question is "What kind of exercise works best?"

Not all exercises are equal. Many seniors mistakenly assume that walking is the best form of exercise. Although walking is extremely important for mobility, cardiovascular and joint health, it also has major limitations.

A recent study looked at seniors who walk in the mall for exercise. The group used walking as their only source of exercise and averaged 1 to 2 miles a day, four days a week. The results showed that this group had the same amount of falls as sedentary seniors. What went wrong? Absolutely nothing. These seniors did enjoy health benefits such as lowered blood pressure, improved cardiac and lung function, and less arthritic pain. But when their balance was tested there was no change in balance control.

The best exercise for balance. Research has shown that exercise such as Tai Chi, dancing, bicycle riding, group exercise classes and weight training done in the standing position share a theme — dynamic, challenging positions and poses while engaging large balance sensory control systems. Exercises that are not so good for balance include walking on flat surfaces, pool exercises and universal weight machines.

Article continued at the link above............

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