Saturday, April 28, 2012

Down East Maine, Wiggly Bridge and Nubble Lighthouse 4/25/2012

This Adventure: York Maine and surrounding area  April 15, 2012 

Click on any photo for large photo slide show

Seagull running down the beach with lunch!

Wiggly Bridge

I have lived in New England all of my life and never saw Barnacles in action.  I always saw the white scaly shelled and painful to step on crustations all over rocks, boats, etc.  I shot this video with my phone!  They actually live, check it out.  You may have to watch it more then once. This small tidal pool on top of some rocks was just bustling with life.

Friday, April 27, 2012

A bill which could allow hunting and recreational shooting in the vast majority of units of the National Park System!

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Dear Reader,
I need your help because, like one supporter who posted on our Facebook wall last week, I am also "astounded and dismayed."
If you haven't heard, last week the House of Representatives passed H.R. 4089, the Sportsmen's Heritage Act ... a bill which could allow hunting and recreational shooting in the vast majority of units of the National Park System that are currently closed to hunting.
Amazingly, an amendment that would have clearly exempted national park units from the bill was rejected by 260 representatives, a disturbing number.
Is there a need to hunt ravens at the Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site, aid the restoration of the National Mall by eliminating excess pigeons, or conduct target practice at Gettysburg National Cemetery or the Flight 93 Memorial?
In the absence of an exemption for our national park units from this bill, we are left to imagine such absurd scenarios as well as others that seem far more likely.
To make matters worse, this bill has moved quickly to the Senate, where it may be taken up on very short notice.
So I am turning to you for help. If you can at this time, please make a special, tax-deductible donation today to help us fight for a clear, proper exemption for national park units from H.R. 4089.
Millions of families visit and experience the rich beauty, majesty, and heritage of our National Park System each year. Quite frankly, it is absurd to open up these great places ... where we take our families to learn, enjoy, reflect, and honor the sacrifices of our ancestors ... to hunting and recreational shooting.
This bill, if passed as is, could entirely change the National Park System's historic legacy of having these park lands be a sanctuary for wildlife, where game hunting and target practice are forbidden.
As the foremost citizen advocate for our parks, it's NPCA's responsibility to protect our national parks. Our track record shows that, with supporters like you behind us, we can demonstrate to Congress that Americans want our national parks protected and kept as they were intended.
NPCA will be working relentlessly to make sure that every Senator knows that you -- and more than 600,000 other NPCA members and supporters -- want them to honor the legacy of the National Park System by agreeing to support a clear exemption for national park units from this bill.
With time against us, we need all the help and resources we can muster to orchestrate a full effort to make sure Congress does the right thing before it's too late.
With your support, I know we will do everything possible to ensure that these great places are protected for our children and grandchildren, and they will remain as they were intended.
Thank you for everything you do to protect our parks.

Tom Kiernan

Thomas C. Kiernan
P.S. I hope you can help us fight for a clear, common sense exemption for national park units from this bill. I also hope you'll encourage friends and family to get involved. We need everyone with us to make sure this bill doesn't pass the Senate as is.

If you'd prefer to send your gift by mail, please click here for a PDF donation form to enclose with your check - thank you!

bbb.gif Charity Navigator 4-star rating
NPCA | 777 6th Street, NW | Suite 700 | Washington, DC 20001 | 800.NAT.PARK | npca@npca.or

You're Invited: Boogie for the Arctic in Portsmouth!

Sierra Club - Explore, enjoy and protect the planet

Dear Reader,
Polar Bear Dance Party
Right now, Shell Oil's drill ships are headed to the Polar Bear Seas -- if we don't stop them, they will drill in America's Arctic this summer.
Over 100,000 people have signed petitions telling President Obama that Americans don't want drilling. Now we're taking this message to our communities in a new, fun way. All around the country, people will get together on April 28th for Polar Bear Dance Parties to spread the word about this threat to one of our last great wilderness areas.
Sign up to attend a Polar Bear Dance Party in Portsmouth, cosponsored by the Alaska Wilderness League!

What's a Polar Bear Dance Party?
It's a fun event where people gather, wave signs, and dance their best polar bear boogie. You don't need to be a good performer -- you just have to care about the Arctic and be willing to have some fun!  
Polar Bear Dance Party Information:
WHERE: Prescott Park, 105 Marcy St., Portsmouth (at the parking lot next to the Memorial Bridge off Marcy St.) (directions)
WHEN: Saturday, April 28th, 12:00 pm
Questions: John Demos at
We only have a few weeks to protect the Polar Bear Seas. Join us on April 28th to have fun and make a big difference.
Thank you for everything you do for our environment.
Dan Ritzman
Sierra Club Arctic Program Director
P.S. Know someone else who might want to organize or attend? Forward them this post, or share this link on Facebook and Twitter: 

Sierra Club
85 Second St.
San Francisco, CA 94105


CONCORD, N.H. – New state rules take effect on May 1, 2012, reducing the minimum length and creel limits for recreational anglers taking Atlantic cod in New Hampshire waters. The measure makes New Hampshire's rules compatible with new Federal regulations.

Under the new rules, as of May 1: the minimum size of cod that can be taken by recreational anglers is 19 inches (previously 24 inches); the minimum length of fillets that can be possessed is 12 inches (previously 14 inches); and the daily limit is 9 cod (previously 10).

The new rules are considered interim and will be effective for no more than 180 days, during which time the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department will move to finalize these measures using the standard rulemaking process that includes a public hearing and comment period.

The state rules were changed because the U.S. Department of Commerce announced in April that they are implementing federal rules to reduce the fishing mortality rate for Gulf of Maine cod as required under the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation Act. As of May 1, federal rules for recreational fishermen establish the possession limit for Atlantic cod at 9 fish and the minimum size at 19 inches. The federal rules apply to fish caught in federal waters (3-200 miles from shore) and anglers on a party/charter vessel with a federal permit.

The adopted state interim rule, can be viewed at (click on "Cod Rules – Interim ADOPTED").

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April 27, 2012

Boston 10, Chicago White Sox 3 at U.S. Cellular Field
Boston Record: (9-10)
Chicago White Sox Record: (10-10)

Winning pitcher - Daniel Bard (2-2)
Losing pitcher - John Danks (2-3)


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